Welcome to Stonk Market, the world’s most trusted, 100% unreliable source for financial news, market insights, and economic absurdity.
Founded by a group of highly unqualified yet deeply overconfident individuals, our mission is simple: to bring you cutting-edge satire, ridiculous market analysis, and investment advice that should never, under any circumstances, be followed.
Are you looking for insider tips on how to turn your life savings into pocket change? Do you want to read about billionaires buying the moon or the Federal Reserve replacing interest rates with a roulette wheel? You’ve come to the right place.
At Stonk Market, we believe in journalistic integrity—as long as that means making things up for comedic effect. We operate on a strict “Buy high, sell higher, then cry” philosophy, and our team of totally real writers is committed to bringing you the most absurd financial stories on the internet.
So whether you’re a seasoned investor, a crypto bro, or just here for the memes, grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the ride.